Evo napokon fotke outfita od druge večeri DFWZ-a :)
Ovih dana radim kao vizažist na snimanju jednog filma pa sam jako u strci i umorna, stoga vas neću daviti s tekstom.
Facehunter je objavio post s mojim outfitom ♥ Pogledajte tu. Fotka je super i Yvan je odličan, ali sam ispala katastrofično, no nema veze :D
Idem spavati skoro, do čitanja! :*

top // bershka
skirt // h&m
wedges // zara
clutch // asos
O hai! Here are the pics of the outfit that I wore on second night of DWFZ.
These days I'm working as a make-up artist on a movie set, so I'm really all over the place and so tired, thus I won't bother you with unnecessary chunk of text and ranting! :)
Facehunter published the post with my outfit ♥ Check it here. The photo and Yvan himself are great, but my grinning - not so great, but, nevermind! :)
And Yvan in action. :)

photo: Borna Čavrag