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I didn't like how the pics turned out, so I'm giving you just a few pics of my last week's random outfit. I went for a coffee and the weather was really bad and so my mood was. Whenever I feel not so cheerful, it shows on my photos.
Anyways, I plan on posting on a daily basis from now on, maybe even more then once a day, with all sorts of things that make me happy and with things I just want to share. Not only outfit posts, wishlists and event photos as before but with random photos I took, detail photos, shopping, inspirational photos, makeup photos, videos, and so on.
cute ;DD
♥ cute!!!
Mnogo mi se svidja bundica!
divno <3
isti slučaj kod mene danas ali ipak ću objaviti probrane fotke sutra. Ove su ti ispale odlično obožavam oglicu i kardigan <3 pliz posjeti moj blog i slijedi me natrag ako ti se sviđa
Divna :*
divna si, ali jako malo slika. nisam uspjela ni vidjeti sve kako spada :P
zasto si prestala pisati na hrvatskom?
nema razloga, došlo mi.
bit će svi postovi na dva jezika, samo nisam imala vremena ovih dana pisati i hrv i engl verziju.
can't wait! :)
a lijepo je :D fale cipele hh
spring wishlist♥blog
Hope you're feeling happier :) I love your bag in this look! Looking forward to your daily posts!
odličan outfit, pratim natrag :)
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