LOTD: Audrey Kitching inspired makeup

Hey guys I'm back.
Sheesh, these past few weeks have been HELL.
But! It all turned out just right.
I passed my last 3 exams with flying colors (A, B, B :D ) and am officially only months away from getting my masters degree diploma.
So, on Friday, when I passed my last exam, I got sick immediately. My whole immune system just broke down and said: "Okay, now you get some rest and don't get out of bed for 4 days". I said okay. I needed it. I have had some health problems, but that was all because of stress and not eating properly, but I'm feeling better already. :)
Now I can go back to my regular posting and I'm so looking forward to it. I have so many ideas I want to make real, and I'll sure try my best.
Anyways, I remember second year of college or something like that, I discovered so called "scene" trend and the conceptions of scene kids and scene queens. Basically, they're like the not-so-suicidal-and-dark-emo predecessors of hipsters (this is not entirely correct, so please don't take me seriously :D both scene and hipster subculture appeared in the 1990's, hipster subculture is actually older, it's just that hipster culture has really grown in the last few years in Zagreb).
Anyways (yes, it's my fav word when I want to continue conversation or posts :D ), I remember tumbling upon Audrey Kitching, the scene queen. I really liked her make-up, style and hair (but at the time I was really obsessed with Hello Kitty, so it's not so weird that I liked Audrey). I don't really remember why I died my hair pink 5 years ago, but I think she did inspire me. Although I didn't like the hot pink color on myself, so I opted for a pastel version.
Few days ago, as I was being bored to death at home, being sick and all, I remembered Audrey and decided to make a inspired by look. I know the birthmark are on the wrong cheek, but they're my real one so I just accentuated them :) And the look is not a complete copy of any of the looks from the pictures above, it's just inspired by. :)
I'll make more INSPIRED BY looks and more "copies" of some looks I like, and, hopefully, some TUTORIALS too! :)
Hope you like it :)
products used:
face: L'Oreal Visible Lift foundation (100, ivory)
Givenchy Radically no surgetics foundation (2, radiant opal)
Bourjois Healthy mix concealer (51, light)
Chanel Poudre universelle libre, (20, clair)
MAC Stay by me, matte blush
P2 eye primer
UD Naked Basics palette
Bipa Kajal waterproof, 1 night dust
Lime Crime uniliner, Quill
Bipa kajal, Mocha (for birthmarks)
Essence eyebrow pencil, 04 blonde
MUA eyebrow kit
L'Oreal 2000 Calorie mascara + Alverde False lashes mascara 010
MAC Silly (matte lipstick)
ps. I'm too tired to translate post into Croatian, don't be mad... :*
Predzadnja slika predobra!
zadnje dvije slike su prekrasne
Odlican make up i predivno ide uz tvoju novu boju kose. Dobrodosla natrag i cestitke na uspjehu!
Tvoja treca fotka je kao iz casopisa! Lepo si rekreirala makeup, ali nije nesto sto bih volela da nosis :)
meni jos uvijek fali tvoja smeda kosa.
divna <3
Nije MD diploma nego PhD. Daj se nauči pisati, fakat je sramota
Vidim da ti nemas ni md kad ne znas da je phd doktorat. ;)
kako si postigla ove valove u kosi? odlični su <3
tnx! peglom sam ih radila, radim video tutorial uskoro! :)
it is that time of the year!!!
Predobro, i make-up i fotke.
Jako mi se sviđa!!!! Voljela bi kada bi bilo više ovakvih postova, prekrasna si-plava kosa ti odlično pristaje-izgledaš mi 5 godina mlađe!<3
nije mi jasno šta je tEbi lakše pisati post na engleskom?
Da (:
Excellent job!!
Kak se ovaj ili ova obrukao(la) oko kenjanja za titulu! Fakat nemreš bilivit!
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