Tuesday, 7 April 2015



Outfit 1
Sportina jeans, jacket and shirt 
XYZ outlet bag 

Outfit 2
The Core outlet skirt 
Sportina jacket and t-shirt

prices and details here

photo: Adem Alajbegović

 Hey guys, remember my collab with Roses Fashion Outlet last year (see posts here, here, here, here and here)? It's continuing this year too except you will see 10 (yes ten!!!) outfits per season this year! 

I was really excited about the continuation of this collab and I love mixing up cool items I find there. You can find some really cool stuff there, and the discounts are really great! 

I will be posting 2 outfits per post so I don't swarm you with pics. :) 
And there is another video coming, from behind the scenes of this shoot we did in one long afternoon. Big thanks to my crew Adem and Anton for making this happen, it was awesome! 

Whick one of these two outfits do you like more?

Hope you like the pics, and stay tuned! 

Hey svima, sjećate se moje suradnje s Roses Fashion Outletom prošle godine (postovi tu, tu, tu, tu i tu)? E, pa nastavljamo s time i u ovoj godini samo što vam sada po sezoni donosim čak 10 (da, deset!) outfita! 

Jako sam sretna radi nastavka ove suradnje i radi povećanja zadatka. Jako mi je zabavno slagati outfite iz raznih dućana u Rosesu, zaista se nađe super stvari i popusti su odlični! 

Postat ću dva outfita po postu da vas ne prekrcam slikama i podacima. 
U tom jednom dugom popodnevu kada smo slikali sve outfite smo snimili i behind the scenes video koji uskoro dolazi! Veliko hvala mojoj ekipi Ademu i Antonu na realizaciji ovih fotki i videa, bilo je prezabavno!

Koji vam je outfit favorit u današnjem postu?

Nadam se da vam se sviđaju fotke i stay tuned! :)




Katarina said...

divno! :)

Mihaela said...

jako lijepo! prvi outfit mi je super, a obje jakne su odlicnee!


Kenguri said...

Divni komadi sami po sebi, a sve zajedno jos bolje!!